For Souls who want to know their soul purpose and are on a mission to contribute their soul gifts...

 Ignite Your UNIQUE Soul Purpose
to Live Life on ALL CYLINDERS

A Guide to Life, Money & Abundance

Move from a Meaning-LESS to a Meaning-FULL Life!

Download Your FREE eGuide!

And Discover The Secret To:

  •  Awaken dependable guidance for stellar decision making.
  •  Activate your inner North Star confidently navigate chaos and change.
  •  Trust your soul's part in resolving physical and emotional challenges.
  •  Gain permanent connection to your power and passion and purpose.
  •  PLUS a Bonus mp3 "Practical Magic - Four Proven Ways to Spark (or Accelerate or Boost or Step Up) Your Intuitive Superpower"

CLICK HERE to start igniting your UNIQUE soul purpose!

“I had been very ill and frustrated since the beginning of the year. It was very healing for me to have someone to talk to who truly understood my soul frustration and confusion. Susann actively and compassionately listened and then actually made sense of my journey here - from my soul's perspective. I am gaining my health back and my confusion and frustration is pretty much gone. I'd say that the reading she gave me was the beginning of my physical turn around. Thank you!” - Holly 

"Susann, thank you so much for facilitating my Akashic Record reading. Words cannot express my gratitude. To have further clarity and validation about this particular contract, and previous ones, is so precious. I truly now understand where “home” is and the importance of connecting there for grounding. You have brought a truly valuable piece of this incarnation to light and I am truly grateful. YOU and your work are extremely valuable and precious." – Debra 

Susann Taylor Shier is the founder of Soul Mastery™ and a highly established, internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and medium. 

Along with her cherished guides - The Beloveds - she magically allows you to experience a deep homecoming with Love, igniting infinite possibilities for all facets of your life. 

For over 30 years, she has helped tens of thousands, combining her exquisite connection to the divine with her training as a psychotherapist, inspiring the revelation of each person's inherent spiritual wealth to flourish and thrive. 

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